Phileas 25 – Desinfektiolaite tiloille 1 – 40 m3

The perfect mobile tool

Treated volumes : 1 à 40 m ³

Programming cycles enable optimized disinfection in complete autonomy.

Its characteristics:
Portable machine with incorporated ergonomic carrying handles
Integrated Liquid container which is easily accessible
Dual Power : main power or battery (option)
Flow rate and product size are suited for small volume treatment

ASD : Airborne Surface Disinfection

This method of disinfection is part of a complete hygiene process (cleaning, disinfection of specific surfaces and disinfection by air).  ASD is a device-product pair. The machine cannot be dissociated from the disinfectant.

Most of the disinfectants used are based on hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid, preferably ready for use.

As it is a biocide, its use is highly regulated (European biocidal directive) and must have obtained a MA (Marketing Authorisation) or registration. This authorisation, although it may be valid for contact disinfection, must also indicate a use in ASD.

The NFT Standard 72281 version 2014 defines the effectiveness of a ASD process on bacteria, moulds, yeasts, bacterial spores and viruses with an effective single dose.

We present the two disinfectants that were the subject of these successful tests according to Standard 72281, version 2014 with the PHILEAS process.

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