How to optimize traceability of microbiological analysis?


The sample traceability during microbiological analysis is a crucial process to guarantee the quality and reliability of the result. Data integrity impacts the daily work and the microbiological analysis follow-up, both in paper and digital form.
Petri dish labeling optimizes the tracking from the sample to the result. This step is the beginning of the traceability.

INTERSCIENCE offers new solutions that facilitate the tracking of the samples during the microbiological analysis.

During this webinar, we will discuss the following topics:
▶ Petri dish labelling, at what stage of the analysis?
▶ What is the impact of semi-automated labeling?

▶ Live Q&A

Tuesday March 26

11:00 AM (Europe/Finland)

Duration: 30 minutes

Language: English


WEBINAARI: How to optimize the traceability of microbiological analysis?

The sample traceability during microbiological analysis is a crucial process to guarantee the quality and reliability of the result. Data integrity impacts the daily work and the microbiological analysis follow-up, both in paper and digital form.

Petri dish labeling optimizes the tracking from the sample to the result. This step is the beginning of the traceability. Interscience offers new solutions that facilitate the tracking of the samples during the microbiological analysis.

During this webinar, we will discuss the following topics:

  1. At what stage in the analytical workflow should Petri dishes be labelled?
  2. What is the impact of semi-automated labeling?
  3. Live Q&A


Thursday December 7th

10:00 AM (Europe/Paris)

Duration: 30 minutes

Language: English

Presented by

Iseline Sanséau

Field Application Support Scientist



Laboratoriolääketiede ja näyttely 2022

LabLt2022 järjestetään 6.-7.10. 2022 Helsingissä, Marina Congress Centerissä.

Lablt-tapahtuma on suunnattu laboratorioalan ammattilaisille: bioanalyytikoille, laboratoriohoitajille, lääkäreille, kemisteille, mikrobiologeille, solubiologeille, geneetikoille, opiskelijoille sekä muille laboatorioissa työskenteleville. Kongressissa on myös alan tuotteiden maahantuojia ja valmistajia.

Tervetuloa mukaan!

Kaksi päivää kaikkea tätä:

  • laaja luentokokonaisuus
  • upeat näytteilleasettajat
  • mahdollisuus verkostoitua
  • makoisat tarjoilut
  • Get together-tilaisuus to 6.10.
  • bioanalyytikko-opiskelijoiden opinnäytetöiden posterinäyttely